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Is It Better to Remodel or Move?

Neither is fun, but which choice will lead to your dream home? Many homeowners eventually ask themselves: Is it better to remodel or move? The answer depends on your household and needs. As your household shifts and changes, sometimes a drea...

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Laminate Countertops Are Making a Comeback

Laminate countertops have really stepped up their game in 2024. You might’ve done a double-take after reading the headline, but yes, you read it correctly—we’re predicting that laminate countertops will be the comeback kid in kitchen d...

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5 Compromises Worth Making When Buying a Home

Homebuyers often start their search with a long list of must-haves, only to find they need to whittle it way down once they see what’s within reach. Unless you’re a bazillionaire, it’s impossible to check all those boxes on the wish list....

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How to Protect Your Home During a Power Outage

No one enjoys sitting in the dark when the power goes out, though it’s bound to happen occasionally. According to the Energy Information Administration, U.S. power customers averaged 5.5 hours of electricity interruptions in 2022. However, po...

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The Elephant in the Room

Some thoughts on the proposed NAR settlement. When I worked in the restaurant industry, we used to have a phrase: Verbal Tippers. This phrase was used to describe customers who were effusive with their praise of you, your service, the gra...

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Create a Home that Fosters Connection

Knowing what furniture choices and layouts work best to accommodate different generations and their interests can help everyone feel welcomed and comfortable. Three key takeaways: The generations use rooms differently, so creating connect...

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