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Candy Geodes

Mixed color hard candies (I bought a 5 lb bag of assorted Jolly Ranchers)
Gallon size baggies
Rolling pin or other method of mass candy destruction
Cooking spray
Aluminum foil/muffin tins/silicone muffin cups
Tea towel/dish towels Sheet pan (if making your own molds with aluminum foil)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In the meantime, unwrap candies and separate colors. Place them in their own gallon baggie with like colors. Don’t overload the baggies.

Place baggies, one at a time, inside a folded towel and use the rolling pin to break the hard candies into small pieces.

Create custom molds with aluminum foil like we did or use muffin molds. Spray molds with cooking spray. Regardless of your mold, take small pieces of aluminum boil and roll into balls. Place into molds randomly.

Place your crushed candy in circular order to create your design moving from the foil ball to the outside of the mold. I worked with my colors light to dark. My kids like a more random approach. All of them worked!

Place in the oven for 3-5 minutes (or more if you used larger pieces of candy). Keep an eye on it as it melts. My kids likes to combine small and large candy pieces which worked well too. Just keep the oven light on!


“Super easy and fun!” ——- Geralyn O’Marra

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